Monday, February 20, 2006

"The right choices for Texas' important high court posts": Today's Austin American Statesman contains this editorial about the only contested Texas Supreme Court race in this year's primaries, where Justice Don Willett, an appointed incumbent, is running for the GOP nomination against Steve Smith.

The Dallas Morning News had previously expressed its views on this Supreme Court primary here.

And, the Star-Telegram offered its opinions on the race here.

This article in today's San Antonio Express, "Texas Supreme Court: GOP candidates talk of fair resolutions", explains the candidates positions. Steve Smith said "he believes the most pressing issue facing the Texas judiciary is the inherent conflict of interest that arises from contributions from parties and attorneys with cases before the Texas Supreme Court." Don Willett "said the most important issue is public confidence. That is, that judges should adjudicate cases based on the law and their merits rather than legislate from the bench."